Access to Awesome | ATA
Looking for a lively and engaging program geared towards middle and high school students? Look no further than Access to Awesome – a specially designed college or career readiness program that will inspire and motivate.
YBS Kids was founded to provide young Black children and youth with the tools and resources to build a better future for themselves and their communities. Our young people constantly face challenges, from low motivational drive to ethnic and racial educational disparities, college and career planning, and financial literacy. We are committed to addressing these challenges comprehensively by impacting lives, teaching cultural history and life skills, and community involvement with others.
In 2022, our mission has expanded to help more young people gain specific needs. Access to Awesome| ATA program focuses on navigating middle and high school students through academic achievements, developing life skills, and preparation for college and career education through exposure and social support.
Our Workshops include:
College Application Bootcamp
Financial Literacy and Scholarships
Activity Resume and Communication
Career Exploration and Investigation
College Visit and Campus Life
Cultural Competence and Diversity